Sunday, November 6, 2011

Does life ever slow down?

I know I keep saying it but our life is crazy busy. Now that it is the "Holiday Season" I think it might only get worse. So here comes LOTS of pictures.
I decided that Dj and I are a little obsessed with our dog Harley. So I just have to start off with a picture of him. i think i am even going to make him a stocking for Christmas. Don't Judge. 

So probably one of the reasons why it has been so busy around here is because other then work I have been really trying to get our house looking good. I keep getting told by people that they would just love to see my house and i realized that my house isn't even close to what I would want it to look like so I have started my Winter project by getting paint on the walls.  So this last month I did our Master bedroom and bathroom. Once I have the rooms finished I'll post pictures on my Peony Blog but for the record painting a ceiling is HARD. My arms hurt my neck hurt I had paint EVERYWHERE.
 Dj enjoyed seeing the paint all in my hair. What i enjoyed the most was seeing HARLEY. We had eaten pizza and thrown it away in the same garbage bag as the paint cans that were mostly empty. Well Harley got into the bag when we were downstairs and came downstairs looking like this.
 He had paint everywhere. It was so funny. He knew he was in trouble.

Then of course this month was Halloween. My Parents always have the best Halloweens. It always brings back such great childhood memories when we go there. We were boring and didn't dress up at all. We did dress up Harley. My mom bought him the cutest costume. He was a skeleton.

When we showed up there was this scarecrow outside that looked just like my dad. Harley sure didn't want to go near him. My Dad was out scaring all the children out trick or treating. It was really funny.
 Cameron, Kathryn, Michael, Amber, Gregg, Colby, Tyson, Justin and my Mom and Dad were all there. We played murder in the dark and had lots of yummy food.

 I was actually really lucky on Halloween. Well first of all I didn't get the memo about dressing up for Halloween at work so when I showed up and everyone else was dressed up we pinned up Snowflakes in my hair and called me a Christmas Tree.
Kathy was Donny's Oldest Fan! it was hilarious. Do you get it, Osmond Designs, Donny Osmond. bahahaha.

 My Mom came and got me from work and took me to lunch and then I got to take the rest of the day off. So, I went home and carved pumpkins. I did our initials.
Anyway, I had to teach a Christmas decor class at Osmonds like I did last year. So this weekend was crazy anxiety for me. I get so nervous for those things. At least this year I didn't almost kill someone with a tree falling over. Maybe next year I'll get through it with out saying words like Antiquey, and cutesy. I swear I make up new words every year. Pictures are up on my peony blog.


WhiteFamily said...

Fun paint jobs...did your hair wash out pretty easily? Love the initials in the pumpkins...super cute idea! Wish we could have been there for the halloween activities...maybe next time it's on a weekend. :)

Amber said...

You are so funny. I love that you said you made up words at your class - and you have no reason to be nervous about your classes - - You are amazing and do a fantastic job! Seriously! I'm glad they are over for you though and you can relax! I don't blame you a bit for making a stocking for Harley - - and will you make one for Justin while you're at it? He never got one last year - bad mom, huh!?! :) Anyway, you're amazing, as always!

Jennifer said...

You can keep making up words, I like them & you do know dogs are dogs not people right?