Saturday, October 8, 2011

Most of SEPTEMBER....

Although the month of Sept. was crazy for us we don't have much to show for it. 
We sure did love the last summer days though. I am sure sad it has gone away. We went on a Sunday stroll through the pathways around our house. The ponds are a lot of fun and we didn't really spend any time by them this summer. 

 Then probably the biggest deal of the month was DJ's new purchase. He bought another motorcycle. This one is a restore job for sure. It wasn't in the best condition so he has his work cut out for him. Its a Kawasaki kz 440.
We went to Logan for the day to pick it up so we stopped and ate at the firehouse pizza place.... yummy.

 He has been working a ton on it and once it is down I'll show the finished project. It is starting to look pretty cool...

Some more random moments from this month ....

 DJ surprised me with flowers for no reason one day! So adorable.

I have to add this so I won't forget.... (Remember that I blog to make a book). I work with the best ladies in the world. I had a bad day so the next day they all wore these sticky notes on their tags and said it was I LOVE CHELSEA DAY! It was hilarious and flattering. They made me feel so much better. I'm so spoiled. 

I dyed my hair from my wonderful Blondie to an amazing Brown. I don't even have any pictures of my hair though so you'll just have to imagine until future posts.

On the other hand I have been busy getting ahead of the holidays and putting up Christmas at my work. I have already done 8 Trees. In fact one of my displays will be a two page spread in the Utah Valley Holiday Magazine Nov/Dec issue.

Then on to October we had the annual Grammy's Monster Mash this weekend and my WHOLE family was together which hasn't happened since June. We played lots of games and ate yummy food. 

I had to add this cute picture! Harley is all ready for Halloween. He is gonna be a skeleton. I love it. Him not so much loving it. 


Aimee said...

I love your brown hair and Utah Valley magazine so I am super stoked to see your 2 page spread!!

Jennifer said...

I want to see the brown hair dang-it.