Sunday, May 6, 2012

Moab Trip

 So this weekend we went down to Moab for a little getaway with our friends the Egberts. Joey and DJ rode their bikes down and Brooke and I drove down. The plan was to take my new JEEP but of course the fuel pump went out the night before and was in the shop..... so next time we will have to take it.

Moab was packed. There were so many things going on so getting somewhere to stay was very difficult. We finally found a little cabin at the KOA a little out of town that was available but I was pretty nervous about it.  It turned out AMAZING though. They were brand new only three months old. It was a queen and a bunk bed. They were perfect. We had so much fun in them. 
 The first morning we hit up main street for some breakfast and then headed up to Arches National Park. I had a few childhood hikes I really wanted to do so the group was kind enough to fulfill my wishes.

 We rode the bikes up the park and it was FABULOUS. I can't even explain how much I Loved it. Best ride ever.

 After the hikes we hung out at our cabin and took a nap. Then headed out to dinner and I seriously fell asleep at 9 that night. Such needed sleep.
 On Saturday we did a little shopping in town and took the bikes up to where all the jeep trails are. We were hoping to see some action but we weren't so lucky. Then we had an early lunch and headed back up to the park to hike Delicate Arch at Sunset. It was beautiful up there and once we got up there found out that it was the "Super Moon" that night. I was too cold to stay and wait but we saw the sunset and caught the moon on the way back down.

 We packed up and headed home the next morning. It was a really fun little vacation.

1 comment:

WhiteFamily said...

It looks like you had a blast! Glad your cabin turned out to be so nice and fun. What a fun way to see the park...on motorcycle!